Katalyst Group


When you decide to work with Katalyst Group, we serve as your agent, guiding and preparing you to land rewarding careers in exciting industries.


We are here to help you grow and love the work that you do. At Katalyst Group you can trust that we prioritize ‘you’ throughout the direct hire job placement experience. Whether you are actively or passively looking for a permanent role, we will serve as your guide, only presenting those opportunities that align with your goals, interests, and skills.

SMBE Finance and Accounting


Organizations rely on interim project resources to complete their teams and fill skills gaps. In addition to executive recruiting and executive search for full-time roles, we also find contract work for consulting professionals who are looking for special, interim and/or project engagements. Some individuals intentionally choose this path for the flexibility of their availability and for the diversity of project engagements. Other individuals accept contract work to gain new experience to add to their credentials.

Circumstances To Retain An Employee

To explore all of our career services, contact us today. We’ll be glad to help you out.


Katalyst Group is a provider of executive search, project, and interim placement solutions with expertise in supporting Accounting, Finance, and Business Transformation executives with special projects created by workforce gaps. As a human capital partner for our clients, we solve business problems across organizations in the areas of Accounting, Corporate Finance, Financial Reporting, and Financial Systems.


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